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Our mission is to help companies integrate AI into their products and services by building custom solutions to solve their problems, one use case at-a-time. We do this through our consulting business arm PSAI Consulting LLC. 
As we accumulate IP & proprietary knowledge, Paradigm Shift AI, Inc. is building a deep learning software platform to tackle specifically the applications of Industrial-IOT (specifically, machine health monitoring) & Industrial Inspection of Images. The coverage of these highly replicable use cases by our proprietary software platform will enable us to very efficiently serve clients in these domains in the future.
Andy Steinbach started his career with a PhD in device physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder doing research on circuits now used in Quantum Computing; his thesis adviser, John Martinis, is world renowned and recently achieved a breakthrough in quantum computing for Google. In this environment at the National Institute of Standards & Technology Andy learned world class engineering and science, and extensively used advanced numerical computing to guide his experiments (see selected papers at right).
Following an NSF postdoctoral fellowship in Paris, Andy was a high-speed semiconductor chip designer for JDS Uniphase (now Viavi) where he designed the world's first commercial 40 Gbit/second fiber optic receiver chip, and was recruited by Intel to continue this same ground breaking work even after the Telecom bubble had burst circa 2003. 
As a next career phase, Andy led product management teams of increasing scope & responsibility:  At KLA-Tencor he launched a new category-defining metrology tool called SURFmonitor which is now in it's fifth successful product generation. At FEI Company and ZEISS, Andy ran product and business teams with responsibility for product management, strategy, and P&L for portfolios of over a dozen major products and multi-hundred million revenues. In this period, Andy led the definition and launch of numerous game-changing tech products: Titan Themis - the world's highest spatial resolution microscope, ChemiSTEM Osirus and Talos - the world's highest chemical resolution microscopes, and ZEISS Atlas - the world's first true correlative microscopy system  - able to fuse data across the entire line of ZEISS microscopes - and to perform machine learning on this data to answer key questions. 
At ZEISS, Andy started the first business unit machine learning group and pioneered building solution-based workflows - with open source software tools - that  used machine learning to answer the customer's most critical questions from raw microscope data. Fully immersed in the deep learning revolution, Andy moved to NVIDIA to be at ground zero of the corporate mission to ensure a GPU-based supercomputer was on every desk, datacenter & in every car employing deep learning. Most notably, Andy led NVIDIA's team to roll-out AI in the Financial Services Industry and focused on enabling solutions in an array of applications, including Fraud detection, Cybersecurity, Credit Assessment, Insurance Underwriting, Satellite Image Data Mining, Online Recommendation Engine Systems, and Algorithmic Trading. Andy paid special attention to the challenge of how to integrate emerging deep learning infrastructure with the fast moving industry tools of the Big Data ecosystem, such as Hadoop, Spark, and a huge number of emerging open source data building blocks (see numerous talks posted under resources).
In 2018, Andy founded Paradigm Shift AI to help industrial companies tap into the remarkable power and revolutionary capabilities of Deep Learning & AI - without the need to start an AI team from scratch, or to augment teams with additional scalable capacity. If you would like to discuss how we can help your business deploy AI, please reach out for a discussion of what is possible.
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